Generous Bloggers

There are a lot of generous bloggers hosting giveaways at the moment that I think you should enter!

  1. Stencil Giveaway – In celebration of their newest sponsor, Olive Leaf Stencils, the blog House on the Way is hosting a stencil giveaway.  All of the stencils are fantastic, and some of my favorites include damasks, flowers, and an octopus.
  2. KOHLER Sensate Touchless Kitchen Faucet – The people at Young House Love are giving away an amazing faucet perfect for germaphobes and clean freaks everywhere!  Seriously though, who wouldn’t love this sleek, easy-to-install kitchen add-in?  It’s gorgeous!aab53058_sensate_story_741x381
  3. Hair ties and a headband from 6 Degrees Hair Ties – Okay, so this one has nothing to do with the home, but come on, how cute are these hair ties from 6 Degrees?  Written in Fashion is giving away a bunch of handy yet adorable hair ties in honor of Jaclyn’s birthday.  Wouldn’t you love to win them!?

  4. Dream catcher – Design Love Fest and Torchlight Jewelry are teaming up to give away a gorgeous dream catcher.  Aren’t these the best things you’ve ever seen??  Hurry and enter before it closes later today!

Seen any other giveaways you’d love to share with me and the Makeshift Living readers?  Please share in the comments below so we can all have a happy humpday! :-)



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